TOLC@HOME: Test Start, Identity Verification, Test End

How to start the test

Follow these steps to begin your TOLC@HOME session:

  1. Go to and click on the @HOME button.
  2. Select TOLC.
  3. Enter your email and password.
  4. Select the test you need to take.
  5. Click CONFIRM.

At this point:

  • The HORIZON APP you previously downloaded and installed on your laptop will launch automatically.
  • A screen displaying a QR code will appear:
    • Scan the QR code with your mobile device’s camera to access the virtual exam room via the ZOOM application.
    • Alternatively, on the day of the test, you will receive an email (sent to the address used for registration) containing a direct link to access the virtual exam room.
  • A control code will appear on your laptop screen, which you will need to show to the exam commission upon request.

ℹ️ NOTICE: The test schedule is stated on the Receipt of Registration Confirmation. If you attempt to connect on a different date or time, the test will not be accessible.

Identity Verification

The identity verification phase begins when the exam commission calls your name during roll call.

Steps to Follow:

  1. Respond to the roll call. You will be required to present:
    • Your face for identification
    • Your identification document
    • A 360-degree view of your workspace and surroundings
    • The USB ports on your laptop
    • The control code displayed on your laptop screen

⛔️ NOTICE: No devices should be connected to the USB ports of your laptop.

  1. When instructed by the commission, position your mobile device behind you following the Room Configuration Guidelines, ensuring that its camera captures both your workstation and the room entrance.
  2. Once the control code displays the message “User Verified,” the identity verification process is successfully completed.
  3. Wait for the exam commission to start the test.

During the test

  • Keep the mobile device’s camera activated at all times.
  • Keep the mobile device’s microphone activated and refrain from using any accessories connected to it.
  • Ensure proper lighting in the testing environment.
  • Remain completely silent throughout the exam.
  • Comply with all verification procedures requested by the exam commission at any time.
  • Prevent any other individuals from entering the testing room and keep the door closed for the entire duration of the TOLC@HOME session.

How to end the test

To finalize the test, press the END button. Once confirmed, your test result will be displayed on your laptop screen.

⚠️ NOTICE: It is the participant’s responsibility to properly terminate the test. If the TOLC is not completed, the participant will not be able to view their score, and the TOLC@HOME result will not be validated.

Read also: TOLC – Online Entrance Examination

Read also: TOLC@HOME: How Should the Room and Testing Setup Be Arranged?

Read also: TOLC@HOME Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Read also: TOLC@HOME: Regulations