TOLC@HOME: Test Start, Identity Verification, Test End
How to start the test
Follow these steps to begin your TOLC@HOME session:
- Go to and click on the @HOME button.
- Select TOLC.
- Enter your email and password.
- Select the test you need to take.
- Click CONFIRM.
At this point:
- The HORIZON APP you previously downloaded and installed on your laptop will launch automatically.
- A screen displaying a QR code will appear:
- Scan the QR code with your mobile device’s camera to access the virtual exam room via the ZOOM application.
- Alternatively, on the day of the test, you will receive an email (sent to the address used for registration) containing a direct link to access the virtual exam room.
- A control code will appear on your laptop screen, which you will need to show to the exam commission upon request.
ℹ️ NOTICE: The test schedule is stated on the Receipt of Registration Confirmation. If you attempt to connect on a different date or time, the test will not be accessible.
Identity Verification
The identity verification phase begins when the exam commission calls your name during roll call.
Steps to Follow:
- Respond to the roll call. You will be required to present:
- Your face for identification
- Your identification document
- A 360-degree view of your workspace and surroundings
- The USB ports on your laptop
- The control code displayed on your laptop screen
⛔️ NOTICE: No devices should be connected to the USB ports of your laptop.
- When instructed by the commission, position your mobile device behind you following the Room Configuration Guidelines, ensuring that its camera captures both your workstation and the room entrance.
- Once the control code displays the message “User Verified,” the identity verification process is successfully completed.
- Wait for the exam commission to start the test.
During the test
- Keep the mobile device’s camera activated at all times.
- Keep the mobile device’s microphone activated and refrain from using any accessories connected to it.
- Ensure proper lighting in the testing environment.
- Remain completely silent throughout the exam.
- Comply with all verification procedures requested by the exam commission at any time.
- Prevent any other individuals from entering the testing room and keep the door closed for the entire duration of the TOLC@HOME session.
How to end the test
To finalize the test, press the END button. Once confirmed, your test result will be displayed on your laptop screen.
⚠️ NOTICE: It is the participant’s responsibility to properly terminate the test. If the TOLC is not completed, the participant will not be able to view their score, and the TOLC@HOME result will not be validated.
Read also: TOLC – Online Entrance Examination
Read also: TOLC@HOME: How Should the Room and Testing Setup Be Arranged?
Read also: TOLC@HOME Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Read also: TOLC@HOME: Regulations