How should the room and testing setup be arranged?

During the test, you will be monitored using your mobile device camera. The smartphone (or tablet) camera will record you while you take the test. Your laptop camera will be shared with the examination commission during the validation phase.

💡 Remember: It is essential to ensure that both the laptop and the tablet/smartphone are plugged into a power source to prevent them from running out of battery during the test.

Please refer to the detailed instructions.

What Devices Do I Need to Take the Test?

Three things are required:

  1. A stable internet connection without VPN/Proxy
  2. A laptop connected to a power source, equipped with an integrated webcam
  3. A smartphone or tablet with a working camera

⛔️ NOTICE: The lack of any of these requirements will prevent you from taking the test. No exceptions will be made.

Laptop software requirements

Download and install the TOLC@HOME APP from your CISIA Student Area no later than the day before the test.

Smartphone or tablet software requirements

Install the Zoom app to join the virtual exam room on the test day.

⛔️ NOTICE: You cannot use VPNs, proxies, or any system and/or technology that alters or masks the actual network location of your internet connection, differing from the network to which your laptop and mobile device are physically connected.

⚠️ NOTICE: Check the technical requirements for your laptop.

Can I Take the Test Using a Desktop Computer?

No, it is mandatory to use a laptop. If you do not have a laptop, you may borrow one from friends or family. The device must meet the technical requirements specified.

What Are the Technical Requirements for the Laptop?

Ensure that you:

  • Disable antivirus software and pause automatic system updates.
  • Enable JavaScript and cookies in your browser.
  • Are the only user of the internet connection during the test session.
  • Have an internet connection with a minimum bandwidth of 600 kbps (upload) and 1.2 Mbps (download), which can be verified through online speed tests.
  • Use a laptop with a processor of at least:
    • Intel Dual-Core 2 GHz (e.g., Intel i3, i5, i7 or higher) or an equivalent AMD processor.
    • 4 GB of RAM (check your laptop’s system information).
  • The laptop must have a working integrated webcam, which will be used during the validation process.
  • Have an operating system installed that is either:
    • Windows 10 or later, or
    • MacOS 12 or later.
  • Ensure that the laptop screen resolution is at least 1024×768 pixels or higher (check your display settings).
  • Use one of the following browsers:
    • Google Chrome
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Microsoft Edge

Can I Take the Test from Abroad?

Yes, if you are in a country other than Italy, you can register for a TOLC@HOME and take it from abroad. International students will receive the instructions from the Admission Committee.

How Can I Download the HORIZON APP?

Follow these steps:

  1. Register and log in to your CISIA Student Area
  2. Click on the “DISCOVER THE APP” button on your CISIA Student Area homepage
  3. Download the HORIZON APP
  4. Click on the downloaded file to install it

💡 Remember: You must download and install the HORIZON APP no later than the day before the test; otherwise, you will not be able to take the TOLC.

⚠️ NOTICE: You can take the TOLC@HOME only with the latest version of Horizon! Download and install the updated version before the test.

What Does “Download and Install the HORIZON APP” Mean?

Downloading and installing an app on a laptop means retrieving a program from the internet and making it ready for use on your device. To use a new app on your laptop, you must:

  • Download it (obtain the file on your device)
  • Install it (make it functional on your device)

Without installation, the app cannot be used, even if it is downloaded to your device.

Is the Use of the HORIZON APP Mandatory?

Yes, it is mandatory for TOLC@HOME. To take your TOLC@HOME, you must download and install the HORIZON APP on the laptop you will use for the test.

You must download the HORIZON APP from your CISIA Student Area no later than the day before the test.

Which Operating System Do I Need to Use the HORIZON APP for the Test?

Only the following operating systems are supported:

  • Windows 10 or later
  • macOS 12 or later

What Happens If Someone Enters the Room or There Is Noise During the Test?

The room where you take the test must be quiet, and no other people should be present.

⚠️ NOTICE: If these fundamental rules are not respected, the Examining Commission may suspend the test and, if deemed necessary, cancel it. For more details, refer to the Regulations.

What Happens If My Internet Connection Becomes Unstable or Disconnects During the Test?

If you experience technical issues during the test, seek assistance from the Examining Commission.

💡 Before the test day, make sure you meet all the technical requirements, following the Room Configuration Guidelines.

Can I Use Different Devices to Install the HORIZON APP and Take the Test?

⛔️ No, the HORIZON APP must be downloaded and installed on the same laptop you will use to take the test.

Read also: TOLC – Online Examination

Read also: TOLC@HOME: How should the room and testing setup be arranged?

Read also: TOLC@HOME: Test Start, Identity Verification, Test End

Read also: TOLC@HOME: Regulations