Mandatory Documents for Enrollment
At the time of enrollment, students must upload the documents listed below. Enrollment will be finalized only after paying the initial installment of tuition fees and submitting all required documents.
Read also: Who are non-EU and EU-Equated Citizens?
Foundation Course
- Valid passport (including visa or valid residence permit for non-EU students)
- Original high school diploma with translation and legalization by the Italian diplomatic mission
- High school transcript of records with translation
- Certificate of Eligibility for Enrollment (i.e., the admission letter)
- Proof of authenticity of your high school diploma. Acceptable options include:
- “Certificate of Comparability” and “Certificate of Verification” issued by the Italian ENIC-NARIC Centre (CIMEA)
- “Declaration of Value (DOV)” issued by Italian diplomatic missions.
Bachelor’s Degree – Non-EU Students
- Valid passport (including visa or valid residence permit)
- Original high school diploma with translation
- High school transcript of records with translation and legalization by the Italian diplomatic mission
- Certificate of Eligibility for Enrollment (i.e., the admission letter)
- If applicable, a certificate confirming the successful completion of special academic competence exams required for university admission in the country where high school was completed
- Proof of authenticity of your high school diploma. Acceptable options include:
- “Certificate of Comparability” and “Certificate of Verification” issued by the Italian ENIC-NARIC Centre (CIMEA)
- “Declaration of Value (DOV)” issued by Italian diplomatic missions.
Master’s Degree – Non-EU Students
- Valid passport (including visa or valid residence permit)
- Original Bachelor’s Degree diploma with translation and legalization by the Italian diplomatic mission
- University transcript of records with translation and legalization by the Italian diplomatic mission
- Certificate of Eligibility for Enrollment (i.e., the admission letter)
- Proof of authenticity of your Bachelor’s Degree diploma. Acceptable options include:
- “Certificate of Comparability” and “Certificate of Verification” issued by the Italian ENIC-NARIC Centre (CIMEA)
- “Diploma Supplement” issued by the University, following the standard scheme developed by the European Commission, the Council of Europe, and UNESCO/CEPES (valid only for countries that have joined the international agreement)
- “Declaration of Value (DOV)” issued by Italian diplomatic missions.
Bachelor’s Degree – EU and EU-Equated Students
- Valid passport
- Original high school diploma with translation and legalization by the Italian diplomatic mission
- High school transcript of records with translation
- If applicable, a certificate confirming the successful completion of special academic competence exams required for university admission in the country where high school was completed
- Residence permit (for EU-Equated Students only)
- Proof of authenticity of your high school diploma. Acceptable options include:
- “Certificate of Comparability” and “Certificate of Verification” issued by the Italian ENIC-NARIC Centre (CIMEA)
- “Declaration of Value (DOV)” issued by Italian diplomatic missions.
Master’s Degree – EU and EU-Equated Students
- Valid passport
- Original Bachelor’s Degree diploma with translation and legalization by the Italian diplomatic mission
- University transcript of records with translation and legalization by the Italian diplomatic mission
- Residence permit (for EU-Equated Students only)
- Proof of authenticity of your Bahelor’s Degree diploma. Acceptable options include:
- “Certificate of Comparability” and “Certificate of Verification” issued by the Italian ENIC-NARIC Centre (CIMEA)
- “Diploma Supplement” issued by the University, following the standard scheme developed by the European Commission, the Council of Europe, and UNESCO/CEPES (valid only for countries that have joined the international agreement)
- “Declaration of Value (DOV)” issued by Italian diplomatic missions.
Read also: Who are non-EU and EU-Equated Citizens?
Read also: Admission and Enrollment Fees
Read also: When can I enroll?